@@@Remake Remodel & etc @

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@@@Remake Remodel & etc Index@©@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@

Making of changeable hair ornaments.

a jewelry clasp {a split ring {a chain3cm {a split ring {a charm.
a jewelry clasp {a split ring {a chain3cm {a split ring {a charm.

Pink beads and peals through a head pin(6.5cm).
jewelry clasp {a split ring {2 head pins.

Cubic black beads through a head pin(6.5cm).
jewelry clasp {a split ring {3 head pins.

Jewelry clasp {3 split rings {5 chains(4cm).@

Carved black bone bead and metal beads through a head pin.
Jewelry clasp {a split ring {a head pin(6.5cm).

Jewelry clasp {a split ring {a big size split ring {‚”urquoise charm.

Jewelry clasp {a split ring {a chain(1cm) {a big size split ring{a bone bead.
Jewelry clasp {2 split rings {ribbon (sew on a split ring).

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